God’s House is central to our lives as His children, from cradle to the grave! It is the place where He meets us through His Word and Sacraments. The place where God invites us to receive His love, His forgiveness for our sins, and to experience the new life He gives us through His Son, Jesus Christ. In short, it is where our lives are Renewed by God’s grace.

God’s House is where children are brought into His Kingdom through the waters of Baptism.

God’s House is where our souls are fed with the very Body and Blood of Jesus in Holy Communion.

God’s House is where couples are joined in marriage and begin their journey through life as husband and wife.

God’s House is where people experience community with God and one another, through Jesus Christ, and grow up and mature in the faith.

God’s House is where those who have died in the Faith are remembered and their lives are celebrated in funeral and memorial services, and those who mourn receive comfort and consolation through Jesus who conquered death for us and for our salvation.


“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

2 Corinthians 4:16